Discoveries under the dark waters of anger

Before I get started, know that you can watch the video above or read the post; they’re basically the same. I know some people enjoy videos and others prefer to read so that they can ingest information at their own pace, so it’s your choice!

In my previous blog post, I wrote honestly about how angry I was feeling — at life, at everything. I was also feeling lost. There are many amazing people sharing wonderful insights about self-growth and how to find peace with the ups and downs of life, but there’s always something missing for me: There’s no real discussion about the physical, emotional and mental transition from an ego state to one of equanimity. So, that’s what I want to offer here. I decided it was time to go all-in; just let my anger be and learn from it, and I learned a lot! I discovered how anger shows up within me, how I’ve habitually dealt with it, and how I can better move through it going forward.

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I’m angry, and I’m all-in. It’s time to explore these dark waters.

macro photography of water waves
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I have said before that my goal in writing to you is simply to share my experience in hopes that it helps someone else, anyone else, feel less alone and, perhaps, inspired. If I’m going to do that honestly and authentically, I can’t sugarcoat life. So, I’m here to tell you today, right in this moment, that I am angry. My heart is on fire with anger at the world, at the universe, at life.

I’ve read, watched and listened to article after book after video after podcast about self-growth, self-acceptance, spirituality, and our purpose here on earth. They all whittle down to unconditional love and acceptance of our human experience, both light and dark, both challenging and carefree, both mundane and exquisite. I’ve tried them all. I’ve had spans of free-flowing existence, but, you all, this is not easy. And I am stuck.

Continue reading “I’m angry, and I’m all-in. It’s time to explore these dark waters.”