Exploring overwhelm Part I: Dances with dishes

pine trees by lake in forest against sky
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

I’ll admit that I’m not in the space I’m about to talk about here — that space of clarity, calm, confidence, knowing. I’ve struggled with my depression, anger and hopelessness the last couple of days. Old questions and thought patterns have crept in, and I’m not exactly sure why. I feel disconnected, untethered, from my solid center of safety and awareness that keep me grounded but allow me to roll with the current of life. Yet, there’s a part of me that understands I will work through this, and I will be freer still once I do.

It’s important to me to share all of it — the good, the bad, the ugly — because, yes, there are amazing experiences, there is freedom and there is growth and goal achievement. There are also hardships, falls and getting lost. Even when we transform and uncover our true colors, the struggles are not over. But, they are easier to understand and navigate.

With that in mind, I share the following insights I’ve been discovering and slowly gathering for you. Maybe this post is ready to publish now because I needed this aspect, this moment of darkness, for a balanced perspective. There are so many times I finish a book that is thoroughly uplifting and hopeful; then, that sense of lack and failure seep in and take hold, because there is not yet enough solid ground to keep me from getting swept away. It is helpful to know that all of the wonderful, beautiful, incredible, inexplicable joy, confidence and love are possible. But it’s even more helpful to know that we all struggle to get there: It’s necessary and inevitable, so why leave that part out?

Continue reading “Exploring overwhelm Part I: Dances with dishes”

This is the soundtrack to my soul

pink and blue abstract painting
Photo by Fiona Art on Pexels.com

After exploring anger, I was inspired to keep going. I set my intention on overstimulation and overwhelm, a big undertaking for a highly sensitive person. I was making new discoveries and jotting down insightful notes for my next post. Then, COVID stopped by for a visit. Just like those wet grandma kisses I remember as a kid (love you and miss you, Meena!), everyone in the house got their turn.

Of course, ego has no concern for self-care, and it started panicking: “I need to get the next post up, or else [insert irrational fear here]!” I gently reminded my ego — yes, I have conversations with the various parts of me in my headspace — that I’m not trying to post three or four times a week to get millions of views, likes and shares. My goal is to share what I’m learning as I go, whether it’s once a week or once a month. I believe these words will reach whoever needs them when they’re needed most.

But, I do miss writing these entries, these letters, as I like to think of them. I enjoy sharing what I’ve learned in hopes that it helps someone else. Truthfully, it’s also healing for me, and this healing only uncovers more insights to share with you. I find joy in it, and it’s helping me to grow. So when this idea came up, I thought it would be fun, and easier to write within the confines of the COVID brain fog.

Continue reading “This is the soundtrack to my soul”