Exploring overwhelm Part I: Dances with dishes

pine trees by lake in forest against sky
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

I’ll admit that I’m not in the space I’m about to talk about here — that space of clarity, calm, confidence, knowing. I’ve struggled with my depression, anger and hopelessness the last couple of days. Old questions and thought patterns have crept in, and I’m not exactly sure why. I feel disconnected, untethered, from my solid center of safety and awareness that keep me grounded but allow me to roll with the current of life. Yet, there’s a part of me that understands I will work through this, and I will be freer still once I do.

It’s important to me to share all of it — the good, the bad, the ugly — because, yes, there are amazing experiences, there is freedom and there is growth and goal achievement. There are also hardships, falls and getting lost. Even when we transform and uncover our true colors, the struggles are not over. But, they are easier to understand and navigate.

With that in mind, I share the following insights I’ve been discovering and slowly gathering for you. Maybe this post is ready to publish now because I needed this aspect, this moment of darkness, for a balanced perspective. There are so many times I finish a book that is thoroughly uplifting and hopeful; then, that sense of lack and failure seep in and take hold, because there is not yet enough solid ground to keep me from getting swept away. It is helpful to know that all of the wonderful, beautiful, incredible, inexplicable joy, confidence and love are possible. But it’s even more helpful to know that we all struggle to get there: It’s necessary and inevitable, so why leave that part out?

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Discoveries under the dark waters of anger

Before I get started, know that you can watch the video above or read the post; they’re basically the same. I know some people enjoy videos and others prefer to read so that they can ingest information at their own pace, so it’s your choice!

In my previous blog post, I wrote honestly about how angry I was feeling — at life, at everything. I was also feeling lost. There are many amazing people sharing wonderful insights about self-growth and how to find peace with the ups and downs of life, but there’s always something missing for me: There’s no real discussion about the physical, emotional and mental transition from an ego state to one of equanimity. So, that’s what I want to offer here. I decided it was time to go all-in; just let my anger be and learn from it, and I learned a lot! I discovered how anger shows up within me, how I’ve habitually dealt with it, and how I can better move through it going forward.

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I’m angry, and I’m all-in. It’s time to explore these dark waters.

macro photography of water waves
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

I have said before that my goal in writing to you is simply to share my experience in hopes that it helps someone else, anyone else, feel less alone and, perhaps, inspired. If I’m going to do that honestly and authentically, I can’t sugarcoat life. So, I’m here to tell you today, right in this moment, that I am angry. My heart is on fire with anger at the world, at the universe, at life.

I’ve read, watched and listened to article after book after video after podcast about self-growth, self-acceptance, spirituality, and our purpose here on earth. They all whittle down to unconditional love and acceptance of our human experience, both light and dark, both challenging and carefree, both mundane and exquisite. I’ve tried them all. I’ve had spans of free-flowing existence, but, you all, this is not easy. And I am stuck.

Continue reading “I’m angry, and I’m all-in. It’s time to explore these dark waters.”

What’s the point? Finding meaning in a meaningless world

As I’ve been searching for the why and the how of the world we live in today, trying to wrap my head around all that’s happening, an answer bubbled up like the prophetic triangle in a Magic 8 Ball.

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The two keys that may finally unlock healing

I’d resigned myself to the idea that it wasn’t possible. No matter what anyone else said, inner peace couldn’t be real. It could not exist. If it did, that would mean there was something wrong with me. I had tried every strategy, philosophy and technique I could find. One might uplift me for a short while, but I inevitably slipped back into my deep, dark pit. Buddhism and meditation have offered me the most support, but still I couldn’t find that lasting serenity. Perhaps this was the burden I was meant to carry: I would struggle with depression for life.

Then, I discovered that inner peace is possible, and it’s not about a specific practice, technique or affirmation. For me, it was two key insights that finally unlocked my healing. With these keys, I can find comfort in any practice, technique or affirmation that resonates with me during rougher periods. And I believe that with awareness, practice and time, I will no longer need to find solace in the words of others, because that equanimity will grow to be a part of who I am. I will always be able to find it within. Maybe these two keys can help unlock your own healing.

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I woke up from a nightmare to find …

Dark woods with light-filled opening at end.

“Humans have a creative mind that is unmatched, a mind with the power to invent stories about what it perceives. In fact, this storytelling power of the mind happens automatically and without ceasing. This is why, in the Toltec tradition, we say that the mind is constantly dreaming and that our reality is a Personal Dream.” — don Jose Ruiz, “Shamanic Power Animals: Embracing the Teachings of Our Non-Human Friends”

Something happened that afternoon as I sat on the porch swing reading don Jose Ruiz’s book. I had never heard of the Toltec tradition, but its words reached out and emboldened an inner voice that before only whispered from the darkest corners of my soul. It had been too afraid to be seen or heard, because it didn’t conform with the world around me.

But that afternoon, this voice finally stood up from the shadows, and it no longer mattered what anyone else thought. I was seeing my past experiences and beliefs — I was seeing life — for what they truly were.

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The fourth wall is real! And you can break through it

Yellow lotus flower on lily pads.

I recently experienced something … beyond words. Truly, it can only be felt.

Call it an epiphany, an awakening, an enlightenment. What’s most interesting is that it was incredibly mundane, in the sense that it was a quiet, average day. I wasn’t doing anything unusual. But maybe that’s the point. It was unexpected, not forced and couldn’t be explained away by the environment or the people around me; in fact, I was mostly alone.

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Welcome to My Highly Sensitive Life!

Pink peony beginning to open.

Looking back, I realize the answers unfolded as I began to accept the idea that I might never find them. Why do I live in fear of offending or inconveniencing anyone else? Where did this all-or-nothing thinking come from? Why am I so afraid of doing something wrong, of failing? Why do I feel exhausted after being around other people? Why do I cry at the end of a movie with a happy ending? Buried under all the whys, what-ifs and hows, I’ve been living in the past or anticipating the future: “Is there something wrong with me?”

The answers I’ve discovered proved to me there isn’t anything wrong. In fact, all of those questions point to what is right, what is true, in me. I felt wrong because I’ve spent my life until now resisting and repressing my truth so that I could “fit in.” Because, while there are many others like me, the majority are not.

The answers to all of those questions add up to one core truth: I’m a highly sensitive person.

Continue reading “Welcome to My Highly Sensitive Life!”