This is the soundtrack to my soul

pink and blue abstract painting
Photo by Fiona Art on

After exploring anger, I was inspired to keep going. I set my intention on overstimulation and overwhelm, a big undertaking for a highly sensitive person. I was making new discoveries and jotting down insightful notes for my next post. Then, COVID stopped by for a visit. Just like those wet grandma kisses I remember as a kid (love you and miss you, Meena!), everyone in the house got their turn.

Of course, ego has no concern for self-care, and it started panicking: “I need to get the next post up, or else [insert irrational fear here]!” I gently reminded my ego — yes, I have conversations with the various parts of me in my headspace — that I’m not trying to post three or four times a week to get millions of views, likes and shares. My goal is to share what I’m learning as I go, whether it’s once a week or once a month. I believe these words will reach whoever needs them when they’re needed most.

But, I do miss writing these entries, these letters, as I like to think of them. I enjoy sharing what I’ve learned in hopes that it helps someone else. Truthfully, it’s also healing for me, and this healing only uncovers more insights to share with you. I find joy in it, and it’s helping me to grow. So when this idea came up, I thought it would be fun, and easier to write within the confines of the COVID brain fog.

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