Finding yourself isn’t what you think it is

Finding yourself is not a glowing-ember sunset over calm waters, a cool breeze lulling the heat of a summer’s day. It isn’t a happy, peaceful ending. It’s not even the end.

But it is breathtaking.

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Welcome to My Highly Sensitive Life!

Pink peony beginning to open.

Looking back, I realize the answers unfolded as I began to accept the idea that I might never find them. Why do I live in fear of offending or inconveniencing anyone else? Where did this all-or-nothing thinking come from? Why am I so afraid of doing something wrong, of failing? Why do I feel exhausted after being around other people? Why do I cry at the end of a movie with a happy ending? Buried under all the whys, what-ifs and hows, I’ve been living in the past or anticipating the future: “Is there something wrong with me?”

The answers I’ve discovered proved to me there isn’t anything wrong. In fact, all of those questions point to what is right, what is true, in me. I felt wrong because I’ve spent my life until now resisting and repressing my truth so that I could “fit in.” Because, while there are many others like me, the majority are not.

The answers to all of those questions add up to one core truth: I’m a highly sensitive person.

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